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About Us

TK - 8th Grade


The Barona Charter School (BCS) is a publicly funded K-8 charter school located on the Barona Indian Reservation. Established in 2002, the BICS continues to serve the Native-American student population as well as students from the surrounding communities of Lakeside, El Cajon, Poway, San Diego Country Estates, Ramona, and Santee. 


The BCS curriculum is based upon the State of California Academic Content Standards, and participates in all state-mandated testing. Our academic focus is continuous learning and continuous progress. Students are engaged in active goal setting and personally evaluating their own achievement. Our reliance on the i-Ready Diagnostic Assessment Program is central to this focus.


In addition to the core academics, all students are exposed to the Kumeyaay/Digueño culture through the K-8 curriculum. This program allows the BICS to utilize the nationally recognized Barona Cultural Center and Museum and its staff. Art, dance, and music are features of our elective program. A credentialed physical educator leads physical education classes with access to the fully-equipped Barona Recreation Department facilities.


All classrooms have both teacher and student workstations fully networked with access to the high-speed internet. Students regularly utilize a wireless, networked laptop lab for web-based lessons and activities. E-readers and e-tablets are used in certain learning environments. Typical classroom sizes could run from 8 students to a multi-age class of 20 students. Our total enrollment is limited to 100 to 110 students to accommodate our unique learning environment.


We take great pride in ensuring that our faculty is comprised of fully California-credentialed educators who truly care for the children, the community, and the mission/vision of our school.

Mission Statement

We strive to educate all students
to reach the highest level of academic achievement through individualized teaching, small classroom settings,
and culturally rich programs.

Vision Statement

BCS empowers and equips students with the skills to succeed in a rapidly changing world while maintaining the unique traditions and character of the Kumeyaay people. Our children soar to success while standing on a culturally rich foundation with a global perspective to become leaders that shape our future.

Academic  Performance

At Barona Charter School, accountability means we are responsible for student learning. As educators, we utilize timely and easily administered assessments and informative reports to be truly responsible. These assessments are aligned with California State Content Standards and provide prescriptive data that allows Barona Charter School to efficiently plan and implement instruction. Using the web-based i-Ready Diagnostic Assessment Program, we systematically monitor and adjust student grouping and instructional practices. Through this approach, we are able to maintain our academic focus on continuous learning and continuous progress.


We are confident that Barona Charter School will continue improving student performance with the i-Ready system to further individualize instruction.

Common Core Handbook

This handbook gives parents and introduction to California's Common Core Standards and a summary of what students are expected to learn as they advance from kindergarten through grade 8. The standards are designed to reflect the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. A common set of learning goals helps teachers and parents ensure students are challenged and making appropriate progress.


Why Common Core Standards?

California educators have joined a national movement to adopt common standards and assessments for English language arts and mathematics. Currently, standards for what students should know and be able to do vary among states, as does the difficulty of the assessments used to determine whether students are meeting those standards. Common standards allow for collaboration among states on best practices and professional development.


Common learning goals provide a clear vision of what educators and parents in all states expect. These learning goals provide a clear vision of what educators and parents in all states should aim for these learning goals help ensure that students meet college and work expectations, are prepared to succeed in a global economy and society, and are provided with rigorous content and application of higher knowledge thinking. Benchmarked against international standards, the Common Core Standards assist students in their preparation to complete the requirements for enrollment at a California public university.


California's Adoption of Common Core Standards

Adopted in California in August 2010, the K-12 Common Core State Standards were developed through a state-led effort to establish consistent and clear education standards for collaborative discussions. Literacy standards that focus on reading and writing instruction during history/social studies, science, and technology also were included. In mathematics, standards were added to demonstrate a stronger emphasis on number sense and algebraic thinking. ​

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